A weekly newsletter for entrepreneurs and investors in social health.
Plus, Base Club waitlist open and Belong Circles happening before EOY.
Plus: the world's smallest social network and On Connection podcast coming soon.
Neither extremism nor absenteeism helps. Plus, the ugly truth behind beauty.
> Showing up for ourselves. Plus, our premium subscription is here.
Join a choir instead. And, premium subscription coming soon.
Ghosted by people and deceived by A.I. What's next, ghosted by a freaking bot?
Plus, loneliness in America and parasocial relationships
Plus, heat in gatherings and a 'pandemic of hospitality'
Part II of II. The secret is in the form. Plus, lunchtime gossip and sweaty dates.
Part I of II. Plus, the secret to a happy life and a more sociable world
And community as a pillar to longevity
Disrupting members' clubs, dating apps, social media, and more